Friday 6 November 2009


Today sees the start of Wrockstock III, an amazing weekend of music held in Potosi, MO and featuring an array of the best wrock bands around today. Sadly, I couldn’t afford to go and are therefore going to miss seeing live the last ever Mudbloods show and the possibly only ever Starfish and Stick show, but as a consolation for all the people who can’t make it the organisers are broadcasting the shows from the Room of Wrockquirement on throughout the weekend.

Of course this means that the shows start at something like 2am my time, but I’m determined to watch as much of the weekend as I can. In case you, like me, have been unable to go to Trout Lodge and take part in this awesome weekend and want to tune in to see the bands, here’s the official schedule of the bands that are playing in the Room of Wrockquirement (times are CST). As you can see there are some great bands playing.

8pm – The Moaning Myrtles
9pm – Justin Finch Fletchley
10pm – Ministry of Magic

2pm – Draco and the Malfoys
3pm – Creevey Crisis
4pm – Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls
8pm – Diagon Alley
9pm – Swish and Flick
10pm – Gred and Forge

2pm – Catchlove
3pm – RiddleTM
4pm – The Whomping Willows
8pm – Tonks and the Aurors
9pm – The Mudbloods
10pm – The Remus Lupins

Of course this is just a part of the action that is going on at Wrockstock. There are plenty of non-musical activities such as Quidditch, O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S. , but there is also more music in the form of the Wampum Willow slots which will take place before the main action on Saturday and Sunday and are shown below. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to be televised, but I’m hoping that there will be plenty of videos available of the performances.

9:00 Dreari Inferi
9:30 KwikSpell
10:00 The Buttermellows
10:30 The Vanishing Cabinet
11:00 X Lovegood
11:30 Madame Pince and the Librarians
12:00 Hogwart Heartbreakers
12:30 Professor Hooknose
1:00 Hawthorn and Holly
1:30 The Butterbeer Experience

9:00 The Blibbering Humdingers
9:30 Snidget
10:00 Standing In Line
10:30 Starfish and Stick
11:00 The Nifflers
11:30 Tonks and the Werewolves
12:00 Alohomora
12:30 Half-Kneazles
1:00 The Dumbledore's Army Band
1:30 Neville's Diary

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