Friday, 12 June 2009

Live Wizard Rock (via UStream anyway)

The last few weeks have been interesting ones for me on the Wrock front. With tours starting by several of the US bands and the advent of streaming TV on my new fabby computer, I have, for the first time been able to watch these bands performing live.

The day before Leaky Con started I was lucky enough to see Witherwings, Snidget, The Butterbeer Experience, Swish and Flick and The House of Black in NYC. This was then followed last weekend with a concert by Justin Finch Fletchley, The Moaning Myrtles and The Whomping Willows, and last night with the concert by Gred and Forge, Tonks and the Aurors and The Remus Lupins who are playing in St Louis. Each of the shows has been excellent and I’ve enjoyed them very much. However, the buzz of being at the concert just isn’t there when I watch it from the lounge and I now very much want to see these and other bands live.

Sadly, it is unlikely that any of these bands will ever make it over the pond to the UK (although I did suggest it to Stacey of Swish and Flick earlier) so the earliest I am likely to see them performing will be at Leaky Con 2011 (I’d love to go to Wrockstock in November this year, but I’ve got absolutely no idea how I’d get there as it’s in the middle of nowhere and Infinitus in July 2010, although tempting, even if only for Lena’s wrock opera ‘Blood and Beauty’, is out of my price league when I’m so determined to be at Leaky Con the year after). I just hope all these excellent bands are still around. After all The Mudbloods have said their final live concert will be at Wrockstock.

Fortunately, the news isn’t all bad. The UK has produced some of the best Wrock bands around and they do hold regular concerts. I just need to be able to get to one. As luck would have it this month sees Hogwarts Jamboree which is being held in London on Sunday 28th June and features the bands Bella and the Deatheaters, Siriusly Hazza P, Shrieking Shack Disco Gang and RiddleTM. They will also be showing the Wizard Rock documentary film We Are Wizards’ which I believe is the first and probably only time that it’ll be shown in the UK. In addition there will be plenty of other HP-related fun and frolics. Tickets are still available, at the link above, so if you’re free on that day get on down to the Loom Bar in London and join us for a quality UK HP Day.

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